Cat Russell, MS, LPC - Counseling & Coaching
You can help others
get the help they need.
Counseling. Life coaching. Training counselors and coaches. Cat's ability to provide these services is directly related to the support she gets from former clients. If you're one of those - a former client - chances are high that you received counseling and coaching at little (or even) no charge. Hopefully, you remember our agreement: "When you get stronger, remember where you got help." Would you please consider reaching back and helping someone else get the kind of help you got? It's just simple math. The more previous clients that support the work, the more current clients can get help.
...AND the more time Cat can spend providing training in trauma resolution, and play therapy techniques
for community leaders in developing, underserved corners of our world.
(Plus, all that training requires tons of writing.)
Please make your one-time or monthly, tax deductible contributions at